Saturday, July 31, 2010

First Impressions of Paris

Our first night in Paris was nothing short of its reputation. We shared the opening of a photography exhibition from our apartment with the hippest of the young Parisian "bobo chic" set. Trendy African bongo drums with techno background beat as only the French can do! The avante garde black "kilt" accompanied by the black framed glasses, black bowler hat on the Rastafarian hair, long black socks and "Doc Martin" boots, with requisite cigar and appropriate pose, was a classic touch by the exhibiting artist. The crowd spilt out onto our narrow rue and their banter provided a fitting atmosphere for the Marais neighbourhood.

We have, however, noticed that the Parisians lack the originality that we Australians possess in droves. The accompanying photos speak for themselves.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hello from Paris

At last we are on French soil and so the holiday really begins. Today's lesson - if possible, avoid London's Victoria Station during peak times especially if you are handicapped with 20 kilos or so of luggage. Going against the 'traffic' didn't help, but to be honest it wasn't much better going with the flow. Quite terrifying for the uninitiated. The Eurostar was uneventful and efficient, but again, the summer crowds are something else.

We have found our French apartment to be everything it promised to be on the internet site. It is modern but has a lovely French feel. We are now off to fill the cupboards with some yummy produce and at last Bill can try his French out. Tomorrow we hope to sample some fine French cuisine as we venture to " la Fontiane Gaillon", a restaurant owned by Gerard Depardieu.


The weather has been very kind to us with maximum temperatures around 25 degrees. A heat wave here, so we're told!! We are staying in an old pub in Westminster...what a brilliant location - just around the corner from Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey and 15 minutes walk from the London Eye; although it took us an hour to navigate through the crowds on the weekend! Absolutely unbelievable.
We have done all the tourist essentials: a walk across the Westminster Bridge, along Southbank (past the Eye); over Blackfriars and along The Strand and Fleet Street to Trafalgar Square (via the markets at Covent Garden), and then through St James Park. We caught the tube to Camden Markets, (great markets...need more time to see everything). We have been for our ride on the “Eye” (a three hour experience for a 20 minute ride!!!), and our West End show, Billy Elliot, was just fantastic. A visit to Notting Hill confimed this would need to be our London address, were we to live here. Oxford Street and Regent Street left us gasping - so many shoppers and so much opulence. To top off our London leg, we caught up with good friends Anne and Jack.
We leave on the Euro Star for Paris tomorrow.
Tres bon !!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Greetings from Vienna

What a beautiful city! It has been really hot, but the weather hasn't deterred us from getting out and about. Highlight was a visit to the concert hall to enjoy a Mozart concert, complete with soprano and baritone performances - in full baroque regalia. Brilliant!! Forgot how dreadful long haul flight in economy can be. Thank goodness that is over for 3 months!

Photo of the day - How the Viennese enjoy a swim "on" the Danube.

Off to London tomorrow.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Almost there!

Thank you for all your "bon voyage" wishes. Tomorrow we leave behind 16 degrees maximum and head for 30 degrees plus in Vienna. So far, despite pre journey panic, no arguments or threats. Fingers crossed for the next three months.

Stay tuned....

Sunday, July 11, 2010

One week to go

Only one week to go now. We leave on Tuesday 20 July. Plans well on track. First stop will be Vienna for a few days, then on to London for five days prior to arriving in Paris.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Le commencement

We are setting up our blog for our French holiday.
Our plan is to post updates as we travel throughout France between July and October 2010. Join us on our journey!