Sunday, August 29, 2010

Regional France begins with Bordeaux

The first three weeks of our stay in regional France found us somewhat isolated from technology, hence our lack of updates. We have just arrived in Aix, a regional centre in the heart of Provence located about 50 kilometres north of Marsailles. After Paris, we caught the TVG (very fast train) to Bordeaux. What a striking city, with an amazing mix of classic old buildings and modern services, including the space age looking trams. The hub of the famous wine region, Bordeaux is on the UNESCO world heritage list as "an outstanding urban and architectural ensemble" of the 18th Century . Our visit was brief (3 days), but long enough to take in the beauty and the famous sites including the "Mirror of Water"(photo 1). The shopping is mind boggling - it has the longest shopping street in Europe! While we were there, the clever Cow Parade, recently in Margaret River, (photo 2) was taking place. A great place to begin our French wine investigation !!

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